Hello Everyone!!
It has been a crazy couple of weeks for the foundation with race season really really kicking off. This past weekend we had Alina tackling Marine Corps Marathon 17.75k in Virginia. Also Tyler destroying several Spartan San Antonio races, coming in 6th in his age group and having a personal best time!! Great job guys we are so super proud of you and it’s an honor to have you on our team.
We have a bunch of races coming up soon to include Ride to End ALZ virtual ride, DC Race for Hope, Ironman St George and National Brain Tumor Society Walk & Race. If you can, please donate to anyone of these amazing causes ….all money goes towards helping fight these horrible deceases.
That is all we have for now, hope everyone has a great week, and check out Tyler’s write up on how his races went.

The first race weekend to officially kick off my 2022 race season, this was my third year racing at Don Strange Ranch outside of Boerne, TX. While I was well-acquainted with the site, the course is always different - in this case, including a curveball at the starting line. Normally, courses are designed so the start / finish overlap for the Super 10K and the Sprint 5K, with the rest of the race taking different turns to accommodate the different distances. However, as discovered 60 seconds before starting, we learned that this course was designed as a loop, meaning the Super 10K course and the Sprint 5K course were essentially the same (with the Super 10K requiring two loops). Good news is this meant, by Sunday's Spartan Sprint 5K, I had basically already run that course and knew what to expect.
As far as Saturday's Spartan Super 10K, the first lap turned from an early cool morning to a numbing run after several cold water plunges. Those effects truly hit when I failed successive obstacles (Spear Throw / Twister), meaning 60 burpees in the span of 5 minutes. Thankfully, the sun came out and warmed the blood on the second lap, creating an opportunity to take advantage of the loosened muscles and stretch out the stride to make up ground. By the time I crossed the finish line, posting a time of 1:33:49, I had secured my best placement yet in the Spartan Super 10K, coming in 6th place. The rest of the day was spent on recovery (ice bath, hot shower, physical therapy, foam rolling, Normatec), although, as is usually the case for me, sleep was hard to come by as I struggled to turn off my hyperactive mind, too focused on the excitement of the first race and the anticipation of the second race.
Sunday's Sprint 5K was again boosted with the knowledge that I had already run the course the day before, and with Mom and Dad leapfrogging along as spectators, it served the perfect balance as a recovery run while still pushing it to set a solid baseline for the season. With the mostly flat and fast course, I managed to break out a personal best time in the Spartan Sprint 5K, finishing in 0:37:23.
In running 6.7 miles on Saturday and 3.2 miles on Sunday, I have donated $9.90 to Neuro Endurance Sports Foundation, continuing my pledge to donate $1 for every 1 mile I race this year.